Unit 6 Contracts

*NEW* NAGE Unit 6 1-Year Successor Agreement MOU 2023-2024
NAGE Unit 6 Collective Bargaining Agreement, 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2023
NAGE Unit 6 Collective Bargaining Agreement July 2021
NAGE Unit 6 Collective Bargaining Agreement 2017-2020

Unit 6 Salary Charts

*NEW* Unit 6 Salary Chart Effective January 2024
*NEW* Unit 6 Salary Chart Effective July 2023
*NEW* TPL Salary Chart Effective January 2024
*NEW* TPL Salary Chart Effective July 2023
Unit 6 Salary Chart Effective 2020, 2021, and 2022
Unit 6 Salary Chart Effective July 2019

Unit 6 Links

June 1, 2023: NAGE Health & Welfare Trust Fund Dental Plan Update - MetLife Dental
March 9, 2021: MOU - Vacation and Personal Time "Use or Lose" Extension
ULP Settlement - Bar Dues

Additional documents can be found linked towards the bottom of this page. 

The 2023-2024 Scholarship opportinities for NAGE members and their families can be found HERE.
NAGE members have access to a variety of discounts through Colonial Life! Check out more information HERE

May 2024

Colonial Life Open Enrollment

Attention NAGE Members – a Special Colonial Life Open Enrollment is here!


Please schedule your 1:1 virtual meeting with a Benefit Counselor at the date and times below:


Starting May 28th  
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
CLICK HERE to schedule your 1:1 Virtual Appointment

No Health Questions for employees on Disability Insurance, Critical Illness with Cancer, Accident Insurance & Whole Life Insurance during this enrollment! 

We can also help with claims, review existing policies, and let you know about new benefits available when we meet with.


More information can be found here


March 8, 2024

Executive Branch Contract Ratification Results 

First, we would like to thank all of our members who participated in the Contract Ratification. We received an outstanding turnout and are proud to have such high member involvement. 

Second, congratulations!

With a staggering 94.22% of the ballots voting to Approve the Proposed Successor Agreement, you have voted to ratify your successor agreement! This contract was historically ratified well before the end of the current contract, and we would not have been able to attain the parameters we did without the leadership of the Bargaining Team, the solidarity of the NAGE-led union coalition, or the Healey Administration.

The CBA highlights are as follows:
  •  11% in general pay increases over the three-year life of the contract, for a total of 20.56% in raises (including compounding between the current one-year contract and the new three-year contract)
    • 4% increase in July 2023 (already implemented)
    • 4% increase in January 2024 (already implemented)
    • 5% in 2025, paid at 3% in January and 2% in July
    • 4% in 2026, paid at 2% in January and 2% in July
    • 2% in 2027, paid at 2% in January
  • Increase in the minimum promotion factor from 3% to a minimum of 5%, effective January 2025
  • Increase standby pay to $35 per period (from $17.50), effective January 2025 
  • Increase Shift Differential by $1 per hour, effective January 2025 
  • Increase Weekend Differential by $1 per hour, effective January 2025 
  • Eliminate one-day limit on Weekend Differential, effective January 2025 
  • Double travel and overtime meal reimbursement, effective January 2025 
  • Implement a Transportation Pass subsidy of 50% up to a monthly maximum of $150 for MBTA and Regional Transit Authorities, effective January 2025 
  • Implement Bi-lingual pay of $80 per pay period for employees providing translation services a significant portion of their work  day, effective January 2025 

The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available. 

December 2023


Dec 12, 2023
Contract Funding Update

At long last, we are able to confirm the dates that your contractual raises and retro payments will be in your paychecks. NAGE advocated for our member's money to be in their checks as soon as possible, and we are pleased to report that the Healey Administration heard us, and has gotten it done. Both MassDOT and the Trial Court have confirmed that they will be following the Executive Branch's payment schedule. 

Please find the schedule below: 

  • The July 2, 2023 salary increase will be included in the December 22, 2023 pay advice.
  • Salary payments retroactive to July 2, 2023 will be included in the December 22, 2023 pay advice.
  • Retroactive payments of the additional 1% increase on Step 14 will be included in the January 5, 2024 pay advice.

The January 14, 2024 salary increase will be included in the February 2, 2024 pay advice. A copy of the notice that was sent out from HRD can be found linked here for reference

If you have any questions on the payout schedule, please contact your HR representative. 

We would also like to thank Governor Healey for her swift action in getting the legislation signed as soon as it came across her desk. 

Jul 07, 2023

Executive Branch Contract Funding Information

We have received a number of questions about the 1-year successor agreement that was ratified just a few weeks ago. We want to make sure that all of our members understand the funding timeline that comes after ratification. 

Now that the successor contract has been ratified by the membership, the Administration submits the contracts to the legislature for authorization and funding.
The authorization language is normally passed by the legislature as part of a supplemental budget. While we do not know the timeline for the next supplemental budget yet, NAGE will advocate for the legislature to move as quickly as possible to get money in our member’s pockets. However, it is likely that the next supplemental budget will not be passed before the fall.
Please remember that raises take effect the first pay period in July 2023, but we anticipate the money to be in your paychecks sometime this fall, which would include retroactive payments back to July.
We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available.  


June 2, 2023
Contract Ratification Results

First, we would like to thank all of our members who participated in the Contract Ratification. We received an outstanding turnout and are proud to have such high member involvement. 

Second, congratulations!

With a staggering 98.42% of the ballots voting to Approve the Proposed Successor Agreement, you have voted to ratify your 1-year successor agreement! This contract was hard fought, and we would not have been able to attain the parameters we did without the leadership of the Bargaining Team, the solidarity of the NAGE-led union coalition, or the Healey Administration.

The successor agreement MOU highlights are as follows:

  • Two (2) 4% across-the-board pay increases. The first increase is effective July 2023, with the second following in January 2024. Due to compounding effect, the increases effectively total an 8.16% pay increase by January 2024.
  • Additional funding that we negotiated will go toward other economic improvements for our membership. NAGE intends to use these funds for the following:
    • $3/week per member increases to the NAGE Health and Welfare Trust Fund to enhance benefits for our members, including doubling the Dependent Care benefit and significant increases to dental benefits.
    • For any member making under $50,000.00, minimum $2,000 raises for both the July ‘23 and January ‘24 raises, respectively.
    • A 1% increase to those at the max step on the pay scale, effective July 2023, which means their increase will be 9.2%* by January 2024. This increase is monumental, as even if you are not currently at Step 14, you will likely benefit from this provision in the future: when you do reach Step 14, it will then be 1% higher than it otherwise would have been without this provision. Step 14 will also most likely be the Step you are at upon your retirement, and thus what it is based on.

The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available. 


May 19, 2023
Successor Agreement Contract Ratification

The contract ratification vote for the Executive Branch is set to begin on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, via electronic ballot. Voting will run until Friday, June 2 at 9:00AM. If you do not receive a ballot by 12noon on May 24th, please reach out to Kelly Warner via email at kwarner@nage.org. 

I would like to thank the NAGE representatives and the Contract Negotiations Team who put forth an incredible effort to get this contract offer. 
This contract offer, which is the richest in the history of collective bargaining in this state, is the result of many things. First, political involvement is important: we elect our employers, and NAGE has been a longtime supporter of our current governor, Maura Healey. NAGE formed a coalition of state employee unions, led by EVP Theresa McGoldrick and Chief State Negotiator Kevin Preston, and worked hard to keep them together. The coalition asked NAGE President David Holway to be the lead negotiator and spokesperson in dealing with the new administration.
President Holway and the coalition leaders met with the Governor-elect and Lieutenant Governor-elect before they took office in December and outlined the financial harm done to state employees by the Baker years. After the Healey Administration took over, President Holway and the NAGE team sat down with the Secretary of Administration and Finance to hammer out a new contract. President Holway rejected the Commonwealth’s first offer and countered with what we are putting before you, which is what the Commonwealth accepted.
The fact that we have worked for years with Governor Healey and that she was open to free-flowing dialogue is a prime example of why political activism counts.
I would also like to note the fact that our coalition partners stuck together and sent a strong message that none of us would falter, further ensuring the success of this negotiation.  

In order to give you ample time to read over the successor agreement and weigh the pros and cons, we have provided it here for you. 

The successor agreement MOU highlights are as follows:

  • Two (2) 4% across-the-board pay increases. The first increase is effective July 2023, with the second following in January 2024. Due to compounding effect, the increases effectively total an 8.16% pay increase by January 2024.
  • Additional funding that we negotiated will go toward other economic improvements for our membership. NAGE intends to use these funds for the following:
    • $3/week per member increases to the NAGE Health and Welfare Trust Fund to enhance benefits for our members, including doubling the Dependent Care benefit and significant increases to dental benefits.
    • For any member making under $50,000.00, minimum $2,000 raises for both the July ‘23 and January ‘24 raises, respectively.
    • A 1% increase to those at the max step on the pay scale, effective July 2023, which means their increase will be 9.2%* by January 2024. This increase is monumental, as even if you are not currently at Step 14, you will likely benefit from this provision in the future: when you do reach Step 14, it will then be 1% higher than it otherwise would have been without this provision. Step 14 will also most likely be the Step you are at upon your retirement, and thus what it is based on.

I want to remind everyone that execution of these increases is subject to the legislative funding process, which may slow it down. However, NAGE will keep everyone up to date on when they should receive these increases.

If you have any questions on the MOA, please contact your Local President. 

*This number includes compounding.

Successor Agreement MOA can be found here. 

March 27, 2023
Action Required: GIC Annual Open Enrollment

The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) Open Enrollment period will begin on April 5, 2023, and end on May 3, 2023.

All plan changes must be submitted by May 3, 2023, with no exceptions.

Plan changes should be submitted through the GIC Employee Benefit Portal. Your portal is available 24/7 and includes several resources to aide you during this open enrollment period. Log into make benefit changes, view your current GIC benefits, and access the 2023-2024 Benefit Guide.

Log Into The Benefit Portal Here


Significant Changes for 2023-2024

There are significant plan changes for the upcoming year and employees are encouraged to actively shop and evaluate health coverage options.

  • One of the significant changes to GIC’s offerings this year is due to the Tufts/Harvard merger including the elimination of one of GIC’s most popular plans (Tufts Navigator). Employees currently enrolled in the Tufts Navigator plan may select a new plan during annual enrollment, and if not, they will default into a comparable plan called Harvard Pilgrim Explorer.

  • Effective July 1, 2023, the new GIC prescription benefit provider will be CVS Caremark, replacing Express Scripts. If you are enrolled in medical coverage through the GIC, you will automatically receive prescription drug coverage through CVS Caremark. Employees who regularly utilize their prescription benefit are encouraged to contact CVS Caremark to determine if any steps should be taken to transfer active prescriptions.

  • Also, effective July 1, 2023, the new Flexible Spending Account administrator will be Total Administrative Service Corporation (TASC), replacing Benefit Strategies. Members who wish to enroll in an Flexible Spending Account plan option for the upcoming plan year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) should review the directions in the Benefit Guide provided by GIC.

Benefit Guide
The 2023-2024 Benefit Guide has been published on the GIC website and provides information on upcoming plan changes, including but not limited to: available health insurance plans, coverage service areas, plan rates, prescription benefits, and flexible spending accounts.

We strongly encourageemployees to carefully review this benefit guide to better understand the changes and make informed decisions about coverage. Employees are encouraged to take the necessary steps to ensure plans meet their and/or family’s medical needs. You can do this by researching coverage plan information and contacting your current healthcare providers.

View The Benefit Guide Here

For More Information, employees should visit the GIC webpage for more information, as well as the GIC YouTubechannel to view the recorded GIC information sessions as an additional resource.

View the GIC information Session FAQ here

Feb 3, 2023
Training And Career Ladder Program FY2023

The schedule for the FY23 Training and Career Ladder program has been released. HRD will continually update members with with updated scheduled and offerings via email. Please find the full details here
Oct 19, 2022 

Bargaining Team Election Results
Local 207 has voted to elect four members to the Contract Bargaining Team. The winners are below: 

  1. Judy Bower, Sec. 6
  2. Shawn Croke, Sec. 3
  3. Stephanie Carter, Sec. 1
  4. Peter Censullo, Sec. 2

Thank you for your participation and congratulations to our winners! 

Sept 27, 2022
The election for the Unit 6, Local 207 Contract Negotiations Team is underway. If you did not receive a ballot, please reach out to Rose Mann at rmann@nage.org to request a new one

Local 207 will be electing 4 members to the Contract Bargaining Team. No more than one person can be elected per secretariat, the highest vote-getter per secretariat will win. The secretariats are outlined in the link here. Each member is eligible to vote in this election once.
Aug 22, 2022 Having Trouble Emailing NAGE?NAGE has been notified by several of our State members that their emails have bounced back or have been delivered days after sending. Two examples of error messages can be found below.

NAGE's IT department has looked into all possible solutions, and unfortunately, the issue is on the State side.  We are working to fix the issue with the State as soon as possible. In the meantime, please reach out to NAGE via phone or email with your personal email address. A list of frequently used phone numbers are also below.

NAGE Member Action Center (MAC): 617-376-7227
Health & Welfare Office: 617-376-7260
NAGE Headquarters Main Line: 617-376-0220 
Aug 2022
NAGE to Baker: Expand Telework During Commuting Interruptions

Last week, NAGE wrote to Governor Baker regarding the expansion of telework. Due to the current obstacles with commuting, including the Orange Line closure and the increased price of gas, NAGE is urging Governor to comply with his own directives and expand telework for the state workforce wherever possible.  

Letter to Baker, August 10, 2022
May 13, 2022

Updated Use or Lose Deadlines - Executive Branch

The following message from HRD details the updated Use or Lose deadlines for the Executive Branch. 
To: Executive Department Employees
From: Jeff McCue, Chief Human Resources Officer
Date: May 11, 2022
Subject: Updates to Use or Lose Deadlines
I am sharing updated use or lose deadlines for vacation and personal time for managers and bargaining unit employees. These use or lose deadlines have been adjusted periodically throughout the pandemic to strike a fair balance for our employees who may have been unable to utilize time-off due to agency operational needs or travel restrictions.
These updated deadlines are detailed in the attached PDF through 2026. The deadlines have been shared with Executive Department leadership and Secretariat Human Resources officers and provide a gradual return to normal over the next few years.
Of particular note are use or lose deadlines for accruals during calendar years 2020 and 2021 which have deadlines most quickly approaching.  Please note: personal time does NOT roll over from year to year as a part of this plan. 
  The use or lose deadlines for calendar years 2022 thru 2026 have been updated to allow for gradual return to normal in 2026. See specific dates in attached PDFNo action is necessary – employees will be notified of any at-risk balances in advance of each use or lose deadline.
Jeff McCue
Assistant Secretary and Chief Human Resources Officer
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Human Resources Division 
May 2, 2022

GIC Update - St. Vincent's Hospital

The following notice was sent out to MA State Employees who qualify for GIC Healthcare plans on April 29th. 

GIC Members,
On April 28, it was brought to the Group Insurance Commission's (GIC) attention that St. Vincent's Hospital in Worcester, a hospital facility that is currently part of the Health New England (HNE) HMO medical plan network, has yet to agree with HNE on the terms of a new contract. St. Vincent's Hospital's current contract expires on May 31, 2022. At this point in time, this means that St. Vincent’s Hospital in Worcester will no longer be a part of the HNE medical plan network as of June 1, 2022.
What does this mean for you?
  • If you are not an HNE member, and do not intend to enroll with HNE during GIC's Annual Enrollment period for benefits effective July 1, 2022, you may disregard this message.
  • Medicare participants may also disregard this message.
  • For HNE members, or those who are considering enrolling in HNE for benefits effective July 1, 2022.
  • If you live outside of the Worcester area, and/or have no plans to seek medical treatment at St. Vincent’s Hospital or with its affiliated providers, no action is required.
  • If you selected HNE as your medical plan based on its inclusion of St. Vincent’s Hospital within HNE's network, you will have through May 4, 2022, to select a new GIC medical plan that includes that facility.
  • Please note: It is possible that St. Vincent’s Hospital in Worcester may return to the HNE network, although there is no guarantee that this will occur, nor within any specific timeframe.
  • HNE will continue to include other high-quality hospital providers in the Worcester area in their network such as UMass Memorial and Reliant Medical Group.
  • If you wish to update your medical plan selection, for benefits effective July 1, 2022, as a result of this new information, you must make your change with the GIC during GIC's Annual Enrollment, which runs through May 4, 2022. For more information, please visit bit.ly/GICenrollment.
 Thank you,

Group Insurance Commission

March 30, 2022
Executive Branch 2022 Training And Career Ladder Program - Update! 

Dear NAGE Member,
As you know, NAGE has negotiated the resources through the Training and Career Ladder program for our members. 

Please visit the Training and Career Ladder website for a full list of the programs and courses offered to NAGE members. 

If your selected courses take place during work hours, please communicate with your supervisor and ensure approval prior to registering for or attending courses. Agencies may approve or decline requests based on their operational needs.
For more information, click HERE.
Mar 16, 2022

Update: NAGE Succeeds In Increasing Mileage Reimbursement

We are happy to announce that the Administration has responded favorably to our request to increase mileage reimbursement for NAGE members! As requested, the reimbursement has increased to 58.5 cents per mile, from the previous level of 45 cents per mile, effective March 20, 2022. NAGE is the first union to receive this agreement in the Commonwealth on behalf of our members.

NAGE would like to thank Governor Baker for his swift response to our request, to decrease the burden on our members who use their personal vehicles for work purposes. You can find the Mileage Reimbursement MOU linked below. 

Mileage Reimbursement Increase MOU
NAGE has written to Secretary Heffernan, requesting that he authorize an increase to the mileage reimbursement for our members. NAGE is urging Secretary Heffernan to "exercise the powers granted to you by M.G.L. Chapter 30, Section 25 to authorize an increase in the mileage reimbursement rate to the Internal Revenue Service level of 58.5 cents per mile from the current level of 45 cents." 

The full letter can be found below. 

NAGE To Heffernan: Increase Mileage Reimbursement 
Mar 4, 2022

NAGE Candidates for State Elections

The National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) has unanimously voted to endorse Attorney General Maura Healey in her campaign for Governor of Massachusetts. Read more HERE.

The National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) has unanimously voted to endorse State Senator Diana DiZoglio in her campaign for State Auditor of Massachusetts. Read more HERE.

The National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) has unanimously voted to endorse Shannon Liss-Riordan in her campaign for Attorney General of Massachusetts. Read more HERE.

Feb 23, 2022

NAGE Election Survey Results

Earlier this month, NAGE surveyed all Massachusetts members on their thoughts about the upcoming elections. Thank you to the over 2,400 members who took the time to participate.

As promised, the results are linked HERE
Dec 30, 2021

Use or Lose Time Extension

The Commonwealth has extended the Use or Lose Vacation and Personal Time deadlines for 2020 and 2021 for members of Units 1, 3, and 6. The information below details the exact dates Use or Lose Time will expire. 

HRD: Use or Lose Time Extension

3.9.21 MOU - Vacation and Personal Time "Use or Lose" Extension for  Units 1, 3, and 6
Earlier this week, the Massachusetts State Legislature voted to extend the Emergency COVID 19 Sick Leave Program to April 1, 2022.  The program, which was created by the legislature earlier this summer, was set to expire on September 30th

In the wake of Governor Bakers vaccine mandate announcement, NAGE leadership advocated for the legislature to extend the program to ensure that members who needed the emergency time due to COVID would have access to it.  NAGE National President David Holway thanked the legislature for their quick action to ensure that our members can take the time they need and keep our workplaces as safe as possible. 

For more information on the COVID Emergency Paid Sick Leave Program please see the Commonwealth's page HERE.
Feb 28, 2022

Career and Training Ladder Reimbursement FY22

Dear NAGE Member:
This is a reminder that through the Training and Careers Ladders program, reimbursement is offered to NAGE members for licenses and certifications that they are required to hold as a condition of employment (excluding basic driver’s license). Employees will be reimbursed the full cost of all required licenses and certifications paid for between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.
Below please find a Training and Education Reimbursement Request Form that must be completed by any NAGE member who wishes to be reimbursed for licenses or certifications that they are required to have for their job. This form must be submitted to your Human Resources Office by May 27, 2022 for timely processing (Tracking Code BAF). June 2022 renewals must be submitted by June 23, 2022.
In addition to reimbursement for required licenses, we may also have funds available for reimbursement for renewal of licenses and certifications that are not required. The dollar amount of the reimbursement that members will receive for each non-required license or certificate, coursework to support license and certification, and the number of licenses and certificate that will be reimbursed to each member will be determined based upon the number of members who request reimbursement.  However, the amount paid to each eligible employee will not exceed the actual cost of the license, certification, or course.
Please read the information on the enclosed form and provide all documentation requested.  Failure to provide the needed information may result in your request for reimbursement being denied.
In order to be considered all requests for reimbursement must be received by your Human Resources Office by May 27, 2022 with June 2022 renewals no later than June 23, 2022.
If you have any questions relating to the reimbursement program, please call:
Leo Munroe, National Vice President at (617) 376-0220
Kristen Schow, HRD Office of Employee Relations at (617) 878-9793 PDF of the letter above

2021 Successor Agreement FAQ

Q: When will we see our raises reflected in our pay?
A: The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We anticipate that you will see the 1.5% COVID Recognition Payment, the 2% retro to 7/2021, the 2% retro to 7/2020, and the .5% PFMLA retro to 7/2020 reflected in your paycheck in late Fall.

Q: Is the 1.5% signing bonus designated as Hazardous Duty Pay?
A: No, this is not Hazardous Duty Pay; this is a one-time bonus with a minimum of $1,000 simply for reaching a contract.

Q: Are we getting Hazardous Duty Pay?     
A: NAGE has reached an Agreement on Pandemic-Related Hazard Pay; please see the MOU linked HERE

Q: I am retiring soon. Am I still eligible for retroactive pay?
A: Yes, if you were working during the retroactive term, you are eligible. 

You can read more in the Retirement Board Newsletter linked HERE.

Q: What is the 0.5% PFML settlement?
A: Please see FAQs on PFML settlement linked HERE

NEWS - SEPT 2021

Congratulations to the newly re-elected
Local 207 Executive Board!

The Executive Board of Local 207 has been re-elected to begin a new term of office. No members sought to challenge the current Executive Board, resulting in re-election of the incumbent board.

Congratulations to all of the members of the Board, your hard work and dedication to your fellow members has been proven time and again. We look forward to continuing the meaningful work that Local 207 does for its members across the state!

President: Theresa McGoldrick
Executive Vice President: Bobbi Kaplan
Secretary/Treasurer: Nancy Ronchetti
Vice President: Michael Evers
Vice President: Kelly Donohue
Vice President: Lorrie Roccoforte
Vice President: Anne Hartnett
Vice President: James O’Gara
Vice President: Tom Cartier

Contract Update - Ratification Results

First, we would like to thank all of our members who participated in the Contract Ratification. We received an outstanding turnout and are proud to have such high member involvement. 

Second, congratulations!

With a staggering 97.90% of the ballots voting to Approve the Proposed Successor Agreement
, you have voted to ratify your next contract! This contract was hard-fought, and we would not have been able to attain the parameters we did without the leadership of the Bargaining Team or the advocacy our members put forth for themselves.

The successor agreement MOU highlights are as follows:
  • 2% - including retro, to first payroll period in July 2020
  • .5% - retro to first payroll period in July 2020, in exchange for settlement of our PFMLA case Because this settlement is a raise, as opposed to a one-time payment, it is far more valuable long-term. Please see FAQs on PFML settlement linked HERE
  • 1.5% one-time COVID Recognition Payment upon signing the contract with a minimum payment of $1,000*
  • 2% - first payroll period in July 2021 (calculated after the 2% and the .5% increases above have been applied) 
  • 2% - first payroll period in July 2022 

*The 1.5% COVID Recognition Payment is calculated after the first three retroactive raises (.5% retro to July 2020 in exchange for PFMLA, 2% retro to July 2020 and 2% retro to July 2021). This is separate from the aforementioned raises, and is contingent upon you being an active employee on payroll at the time the contract was signed.

The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We anticipate that you will see the 1.5% COVID Recognition Payment, the 2% retro to 7/2021, the 2% retro to 7/2020 and the .5% PFMLA retro to 7/2020 reflected in your paycheck in late Fall.

We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available. 

July 2021 NAGE MOU Executive Branch Successor Agreement 

Executive Branch - Telework MOU

Dear NAGE Member,

We are pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with the Commonwealth on Telework for our Executive Branch members! 

Thank you to the NAGE negotiations team, and our members who continuously advocated for themselves, for their work in getting this MOU. We are proud of the work our NAGE members have done during the pandemic, and continue to do every day.

The Telework MOU contains the following:
  • Continued benefit of hybrid telework for members who are able and would like to perform duties remotely,
  • The right for individuals members to appeal if telework has been fully revoked and the member has returned to office full time,
  • Continued TTFWP for flexibility of time during telework,
  • Agencies to establish reimbursement policies incurred while teleworking.

Please reach out to your Local President with any questions regarding the Telework MOU. The MOU is linked below for your review.

Telework MOU August 2021


Executive Branch - Hazard Pay MOU 

We are pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with the Commonwealth on Hazard Pay for members of Units 1, 3 and 6. You will find the full-text MOU below.

Thank you to the NAGE negotiations team, and our members who continuously advocated for themselves, for their work in getting this MOU. We are proud of the work our NAGE members have done during the pandemic, and continue to do every day.

The Hazard Pay MOU contains the following:
  • Full-time employees directed to report to work in person during November 2, 2020 to May 29, 2021, who were not afforded the option of working remotely, shall receive a one time COVID-19 Hazardous Duty payment of $2,000. 
  • Part-time or hybrid employees directed to report to work in person during November 2, 2020 to May 29, 2021 to provide direct care, public facing, public safety, cleaning and/or maintenance services shall receive a one time COVID-19 Hazardous Duty payment of $1,000. 
Please reach out to your Local President with any question regarding the Hazard Pay MOU. We will continue to keep you informed on our Telework negotiations, as the matter is being bargained separately. 

Hazard Pay MOU July 2021 

Jun 11, 2021

MA Emergency Paid Sick Leave Bill

The following memo was distributed to all Agency heads last week, regarding the Massachusetts Emergency Paid Sick Leave bill. The bill was signed into law and provides, in-part:
  • the equivalent of 5 days of paid time off to full-time employees (capped at a total of $850.00) for certain COVID-related absences from work;
  • notice requirements for employees seeking to use Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave (MEPSL); and 
  • documentation requirements for employers seeking reimbursement of amounts paid under MEPSL. 
The full-text PDF of the memo can be found HERE
Apr 26, 2021

NAGE Members Deserve More Than Baker Is Offering

Dear NAGE Member,

Each year like clockwork, Governor Baker writes a letter to the state workforce thanking everyone for their dedicated service. This letter will look back over the sacrifices you have all made over the past year as public employees to keep the Commonwealth running efficiently during incredibly difficult times – perhaps a “thank you” has never been more in order or deserved. Governor Baker and his Budget Chief Mike Heffernan like to say, “thank you,” but they never like to show their appreciation in a real, tangible way. Stunningly, this year seems no different.

It has been nearly a year since our contracts expired, and the economic parameters that have been offered by Governor Baker are insulting. The Governor has formally set the following parameters: 1.5% bonus in year one (July 1, 2020), followed by 2% raise in year two, and a 2% raise in year three. Whether working from home or continuing to show up in a public-facing role, you have been on the front lines of this pandemic, working to keep the Commonwealth running for more than a year. Time and again, NAGE members have answered the call to continue serving the public, sometimes at great risk to yourself and your family. Governor Bakers offer is an insult to your service.

Governor Baker’s “nice guy” routine managed to captivate a majority of voters in the past. However, as the years have gone on, the polished veneer has begun to fade, and we can begin to see just how empty the fancy suit and central casting smile are. Governor Baker bills himself as a manager. It is becoming increasingly clear that he is an awful one. An administration that cannot make a decision without paying millions of dollars in fees to an outside consulting firm, only to consistently screw up one project after another - from the Registry of Motor Vehicles to the vaccine rollout. This is not the sign of an effective manager; it is the mark of an incompetent failure.

One year ago, the economic condition of the Commonwealth was admittedly tenuous. Today, growing economic evidence, supported by strong data, suggests that Massachusetts has weathered the fiscal storm and will emerge from the pandemic in a strong position to meet the challenges of tomorrow. To date, tax revenues are nearly $1.4 billion above the original benchmark. Additionally, the state is earmarked to receive $4.55 billion in federal aid alone from the American Rescue Plan. This is on top of more than $3 billion for Massachusetts cities and towns, also in the American Rescue Plan.

After leading us to believe a serious offer was forthcoming since late February, the parameters offered by the Governor are a joke.  You and your family deserve better. You deserve a boss who will have your back. I’m writing to tell you that Governor Baker does not have your back and he doesn’t care what you think about that. The recent PFML decision illustrates the Governors disregard for his workforce. Even in the face of his legal obligation to bargain, he chose to violate the law and was unanimously rebuked by his own appointees. As household income in Massachusetts rises, Governor Baker is leaving his workers behind. You deserve better, and I promise you that we will not sit silently by as the Governor offers more empty praise and continues to turn a blind eye to the needs of our members and their families.

I thank you for you service and truly appreciate everything that you have done, and continue to do every day, to make our Commonwealth strong and resilient. We will not rest until we get a contract that we can all be proud of, a contract that actually reflects the gratitude written in Governor Bakers empty letters.

In Solidarity,

Theresa McGoldrick
President, Local 207

LinkedIn Learning is LIVE!
Click here for the LinkedIn Learning Website
NAGE members have unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, an on-demand library of high-quality instructional videos covering a vast range of business, software and creative skills.  NAGE has negotiated for several thousand additional LinkedIn learning licenses to become available to NAGE members, and those licenses are available now!  

NAGE negotiates for these 5,000+ training classes each year so that our members have more opportunities to acquire new skills and advance their knowledge.  We recommend you check out the courses available and sign up today! As you may remember, Lynda.com was upgraded to the LinkedIn Learning platform in January 2019.  

You can request a log-in by sending an email to  CareerLadderProgram@mass.gov, letting them know that you are a NAGE member and would like to register for a LinkedIn Learning account.  *If you have previously used Lynda.com and have an account, you can activate LinkedIn Learning by following the steps found below.  

How to convert Lynda.com account to LinkedIn Learning

Unit 6 Locals
Theresa McGoldrick

The Department
of Revenue
The Executive Office for Administration
and Finance

Bobbi Kaplan
Executive Vice President

Office of the Comptroller of the Commonwealth
Nancy Ronchetti

The Department
of Revenue
The Executive Office for Administration
and Finance
Michael Evers
Vice President

Services Division
The Executive Office for Administration
and Finance
Kelly Donohue
Vice President

Division of Banks
Office of Consumer
Affairs and
Busisness Regulation
Lorrie Roccoforte
Vice President

Early Education
and Care
The Executive
Office of Education
Anne Hartnett
Vice President

Department of Revenue
The Executive Office
for Administration
and Finance

James O'Gara
Vice President

Executive Office of 
Public Safety & Security

Tom Cartier
Vice President

Executive Office of Labor &
Workforce Development
Dept. of Career Services

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. - Albert Einstein
NAGE HEADQUARTERS 159 Burgin Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Union Local Tax Issues Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement.. Read more