The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the MWRA and NAGE Local R1-168 is now available. 
Please click HERE to view.  

March 27, 2023
Action Required: GIC Annual Open Enrollment

The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) Open Enrollment period will begin on April 5, 2023, and end on May 3, 2023.

All plan changes must be submitted by May 3, 2023, with no exceptions.

Plan changes should be submitted through the GIC Employee Benefit Portal. Your portal is available 24/7 and includes several resources to aide you during this open enrollment period. Log into make benefit changes, view your current GIC benefits, and access the 2023-2024 Benefit Guide.

Log Into The Benefit Portal Here


Significant Changes for 2023-2024

There are significant plan changes for the upcoming year and employees are encouraged to actively shop and evaluate health coverage options.

  • One of the significant changes to GIC’s offerings this year is due to the Tufts/Harvard merger including the elimination of one of GIC’s most popular plans (Tufts Navigator). Employees currently enrolled in the Tufts Navigator plan may select a new plan during annual enrollment, and if not, they will default into a comparable plan called Harvard Pilgrim Explorer.

  • Effective July 1, 2023, the new GIC prescription benefit provider will be CVS Caremark, replacing Express Scripts. If you are enrolled in medical coverage through the GIC, you will automatically receive prescription drug coverage through CVS Caremark. Employees who regularly utilize their prescription benefit are encouraged to contact CVS Caremark to determine if any steps should be taken to transfer active prescriptions.

  • Also, effective July 1, 2023, the new Flexible Spending Account administrator will be Total Administrative Service Corporation (TASC), replacing Benefit Strategies. Members who wish to enroll in an Flexible Spending Account plan option for the upcoming plan year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) should review the directions in the Benefit Guide provided by GIC.

Benefit Guide
The 2023-2024 Benefit Guide has been published on the GIC website and provides information on upcoming plan changes, including but not limited to: available health insurance plans, coverage service areas, plan rates, prescription benefits, and flexible spending accounts.

We strongly encourageemployees to carefully review this benefit guide to better understand the changes and make informed decisions about coverage. Employees are encouraged to take the necessary steps to ensure plans meet their and/or family’s medical needs. You can do this by researching coverage plan information and contacting your current healthcare providers.

View The Benefit Guide Here

For More Information, employees should visit the GIC webpage for more information, as well as the GIC YouTubechannel to view the recorded GIC information sessions as an additional resource.

View the GIC information Session FAQ here


Nov 22, 2022 Union Coalition To Healey, Lets Get To Work!Earlier today, the NAGE-led union coalition took the first steps in building a relationship with our new Governor-elect Maura Healey! In the letter to Healey, the coalition requested to meet before the new year to "discuss the current condition of state government, propose solutions for dire recruitment and retention issues, and to address the economic loss that our members have endured under the Baker administration."

We will keep you updated as this matter progresses.

The letter can be found here 

August 2022

Election Notice

Please see the documents below that pertain to the MWRA Local 168 election. 
Local R1-168 Nomination and Election Notice
Local R1-168 Nomination Form
Local R1-168 Nomination Acceptance Form


June 1, 2022

To our MWRA sisters and brothers, 

Paul Hynes slipped thru our lives all too quickly.

Paul’s loss will be felt by each of us in many different ways for some time to come. We know he was a dedicated family man, no doubt. Anyone who became involved with Paul knew that. He treated you like family. He made you feel welcomed. As a friend you enjoyed his company, his humor, his generosity.

Paul was a leader. As a supervisor, he never asked anyone to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. As a Union Official, he listened to issues and fought hard to correct them. If it was your issue, he would listen and work toward a resolution. In some cases, Paul may have acted like your dad and firmly, but fairly, set you straight.

For me, Paul was not only a friend, but a trusted confidant on the Executive Board of Local R1-168. Paul and I had many insightful discussions many nights on how to best deal with issues facing the members of our Union. Paul always answered my call, no matter the hour or day because he felt someone, his extended family might need help. I will be forever grateful to have served on the Executive Board with Paul. I will miss you Paul, as we all will.


President Normant
NAGE Local R1-168
National Board Member

February 2022
Dear MWRA member,
The MWRA has presented NAGE Local R1-168 with a last-best contract proposal. This proposal comes after more than nine months of contract negotiations. These negotiations have been both formal and informal, and we have also worked alongside our fellow MWRA unions in the hope of providing you with a contract offer that the Executive Board could enthusiastically endorse. Regrettably, we were not able to reach agreement on a contract offer that met that standard.
However, we do believe that negotiations have run their course, and that our members deserve the right to vote on the Authority’s offer.
The offer runs from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023, and provides the economic improvements as follows:
  •  Effective 7/1/2020 - 2% across-the-board increase
  • Effective 7/1/2020 - .5% across the board increase (in settlement of PFMLA case)
  • Effective 7/1/2021 - 2% across-the-board increase
  • Effective 7/1/2022 – 2% across the board increase
  • Effective upon contract signing- 1.5% COVID Bonus (minimum $1000) for employees on the payroll at the date of signing.      
Also, please note that if the contract is ratified, the MWRA has agreed to provide a Hazard Pay Bonus of either $1,000 or $2,000 for employees who worked either part-time or full-time during the designated period of July 1, 2020, through October 1, 2020. Employees hired on or after July 1, 2020 would not be eligible for this bonus.
There were no significant language changes included in the proposal, which effectively mirrors the contract offer the state agreed to with most of its collective bargaining units, including state-wide NAGE units.

The offer can be found through the link below. Also available is a brief Q&A that we hope will answer most questions. Members may also contact the Local Executive Board directly with questions.

MWRA Best/Last Offer
 NAGE Local 168 By-Laws 2022

Mar 3, 2020GIC Healthcare FY21 Premiums AnnouncedOn February 27, 2020, the GIC Commissioners voted to approve the FY21 Health Insurance Premium Rates. Bobbi Kaplan, Executive Vice-President of Local 207 and Vice Chair of the Group Insurance Commission strongly advocated against the rise in premiums. She argued the unfairness of raising premiums more than twice what our members receive annually in salary increases but was unable to succeed in changing the minds of her fellow commissioners. The motion to increase premiums was approved by a majority of the commissioners who do not represent labor interests, though Kaplan maintained her strong vote against. 

Kaplan said “The increase is just another pay cut for our members who are left further and further behind every year. We intend to fight for raises at the bargaining table that are equal to the value our members bring to the citizens of the Commonwealth every day.”
Please review the increases which become effective July 1, 2020 and attend the Health Fairs to ask questions of your current carriers. If you wish to change carriers, you must make that decision during open enrollment April 6th – May 1st.  Please find all documents and link to the Health Fair schedule below.  

FY21 Health Insurance Premium Rates

FY21 Full Cost Monthly Premiums and Percent Increases 

GIC Health Fair Schedule 2020


Mar 02, 2020

GIC Health Fairs and Open Enrollment 2020

GIC open enrollment is just around the corner, beginning April 6, 2020 until May 1, 2020.  The GIC Health Fair Schedule can be found below.  For more information, you can visit the GIC website HERE.  

Completed forms must be returned to your GIC Coordinator no later than Friday, May 1st if you intend to change insurance carriers.   

Feb 29, 2020

NAGE offers Gov Baker coronavirus prevention assistance

NAGE has written to Governor Baker, offering any assistance possible in light of coronavirus worries in Massachusetts.  The letter can be found below or HERE.  Members should refer to any of the following sites for tips in preventing the spread of illness.
Center for Disease Control
World Health Organization


February 12, 2020

Dear Union Brothers and Sisters:

We are union members providing water and wastewater services to the public. With that comes a responsibility as a public servant. While in uniform you are the face of the MWRA. We are extremely visible on the roadways, in the streets, and at the water and wastewater stations in the neighborhoods. Its important to follow the MWRA Code of Conduct at all times while on the job and in uniform.     


Your Local 168 Executive Board 

September 24, 2019
Election Results 

Thank you to all who participated in the MWRA Local 168 Executive Board Election.  The results are below

President: Dennis R. Normant
Executive Vice President: Sean McGonagle
Treasurer: Robert Ellis
Recording Secretary: Todd DeCost
Eastern Regional Vice President: Paul Arena
Central Regional Vice President: Paul Hynes
Western Regional Vice President: Tie vote between Bob BonFiglio and Edward Pollock.  
A tie-breaker election will occur, details to follow. 

Congratualtions to the new Executive Board of MWRA Local 168!

Your Union Benefits

In addition to regular salary increases and step increases, NAGE provides you with benefits such as:

- Union Plus
- Dependent Care
- Scholarships
- Dental
- Optical

Did you know Union Plus gets you and your family special discounts, rates, and savings? Just as unions provide strength in the workplace, Union Plus provides strength in the marketplace.

Click here to learn more about your benefits.



Local 168 Executive Board
David Finn
Paul Arena
Executive Vice President
Kristin Dee
Recording Secretary
Jimmy Bell
Chad Ledbury
Eastern Regional
Vice President
Dan Roberge
Central Regional
Vice President
Chuck Beike
Western Regional
Vice President

We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few; but we can't have both. - Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
NAGE HEADQUARTERS 159 Burgin Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Union Local Tax Issues Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement.. Read more