May 01, 2020

IAEP Puts the Squeeze on Care Ambulance Amid Continued Cuts to Hours

SoCal EMS Service Pulls Ambulances Off the Road
Care Ambulance Service Chooses Profit Over Public Safety Amid Pandemic Response
(SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA) – Cuts in hours and unmitigated changes to working conditions continue at Care Ambulance Service of LA and Orange counties this week. Sources inside the organization have confirmed reports that unwarranted union busting meetings exceeding county gathering mandates are forcing even more ambulances off the road. Currently organizing with the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics (IAEP), first responders employed by Care have faced multiple tactics like this blatant disregard for public safety in favor of anti-union activities.

Forced meetings conducted this week were reportedly in violation of county gathering regulations and included presenters not wearing appropriate viral protective equipment. EMTs and paramedics pulled off the road to attend were treated to a lengthy anti-union misinformation campaign instead of taking emergency calls. While Care chose to splurge on paying consultants for these meetings, whose rates often exceed thousands of dollars an hour, the very same employees forced to attend have had their hours cut significantly throughout the pandemic. A fact which many have rightly questioned as the department faces a never before seen challenge in the modern EMS era in the form of COVID-19.

Formal charges filed by IAEP representatives last week over the cuts initiated an investigation by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The Union continues to update leaders in both counties on the situation and will begin organized phone banking early next week. “We’re urging elected leaders from LA and Orange Counties to help us put a stop to these potentially dangerous practices,” said IAEP National Director Philip Petit. “This is about public safety and making sure that these front line heroes are protected. Their ability to provide quality service in a global crisis is of the utmost importance to us all.”

The IAEP and the impacted employees of Care Ambulance will continue to seek legal and public pressure to force the company to cease its potentially dangerous and illegal practices. For more information visit on how you can contribute to the calling campaign and support your Southern California EMS professionals.

We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few; but we can't have both. - Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
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