Sep 27, 2019

Changing of the Guard for IAEP Local 152

The IAEP is proud to recognize retiring Local 152 members and long-time officers Eric Vansant and Michael Romero for their many years of outstanding service and dedication to their fellow EMS professionals at AMR Victorville.

Vansant and Romero have each been a part of Local 152 for fifteen years and have each served in multiple offices including President, Vice President, and as National Representatives around California and the Pacific Southeast.

They’ve both contributed greatly to improving the working conditions within their workforce and fought to increase pay through their time at the bargaining table and working with the IAEP to promote pro EMS causes. Not only this, they saved the jobs of many people who, without union representation, would’ve been terminated.

The newly elected Local 152 President, Derrall Nuttall, has worked in the EMS field for over 25 years and has recently transferred down from the Bay Area.  

President Nuttall remarks, “as your new IAEP local president, I feel humbled to fill the shoes of Michael Romero. As he and Eric Vansant built a strong foundation in unity and solidarity amongst the AMR Victorville EMTs and Paramedics. As we move forward may we together use the foundation that has solidly been put into place and continue to work toward a brighter future.”

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Photos provided by Shelly Hudelson and Local152. Photos provided by Shelly Hudelson and Local152. Photos provided by Shelly Hudelson and Local152.

We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few; but we can't have both. - Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
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Union Local Tax Issues Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement.. Read more